Global v6.2 - Multi School Management System Express Nulled

 Global v6.2  - Multi School Management System Express Nulled

Global v6.2  - Multi School Management System Express Nulled

Global Multi School Management System Express is the latest and most complete School Automation Software Which is suites for each and every educational institute like school, college and universities. Specially who want to manage Multiple School from one system/server. Global Multi School Management system (GMSMS) is a fully ACL Based, Organized Features, Unlimited Language, Exclusive Reports and Secure web based Multi School Management System with well documented & clean coded.

How you integrate ZOOM with Global Multi School?

  1. Create a ZOOM Account at Zoom Market Place Portal and follow all steps in completing the “ZOOM Account”
  2. Then create a “JWT App” inside your “ZOOM Account -> App Marketplace Left Menu” Follow all steps in completing the “JWT App”
  3. After completing the “JWT App”, you will get “Api Key” and “Api Secret”
  4. Then Save “Api Key” and “Api Secret” in the Software Under Left Menu-> Administrator “School Setting”
  5. Create zoom meeting for each “Live Class” from your “ZOOM Account” and you will get “Meeting ID”, “Meeting Password”
  6. Now you need to create “Live Class” schedule for the student with fill up “Meeting ID”, “Meeting Password”
  7. Teacher will start “Live Class” by Click “Left menu->Live Class->Host Class”
  8. Student will be able to join “Live Class” By click “Left menu->Live Class->Join Class”
  9. Now Student and Teacher will be able to communicate video, chat, audio, screen share etc..
  10. More detail with screenshot in documentation inside download zip.

Download :


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